Leadership and Loyalty – David Allison: The Death of Demographics

The Death of Demographics: How to Embrace the Values-Driven World!

Back in 1749, Sweden conducted its first-ever population census. But are traditional demographics still relevant in this era of EQ & AI? Enter David Allison, a human values expert and bestselling author, here to shake things up. David believes demographics are divisive, distracting us from what truly matters, our VALUES.

David founded the groundbreaking Valuegraphics Project, a global core human-value inventory. He is revolutionizing how we understand ourselves, connect with others, and thrive in the Values Economy.

Join us for the next two episodes as David challenges the status quo, revealing why demographics are outdated and how embracing values can transform your business. INC Magazine hailed his last book as one of the top ten leadership books of the year. Get ready for his latest masterpiece: “The Death of Demographics: Valuegraphic Marketing for a Values-Driven World.”

Don’t miss out on this paradigm-shifting journey.



Social Media

https://www.linkedin.com/in/valuegraphicsfounder/ https://www.instagram.com/valuesdrivendavid

Part 1) Failing Demographics: Caitlyn Jenner, King Charles, and Ozzy Osbourne

The Birth and Death of Demographics
When a Career Suddenly Becomes a Calling
The Contradictions of Demographics
Demographics of Caitlyn Jenner, King Charles, and Ozzy Osbourne
Sliced Diced and Something Way Better
Do You Want a 3-10% follow-through or 80+%?
The Value of “Family,” What it Means in China.
Luxury Brands in China Versus the Rest of The World
Marketing in China versus Marketing in The West
Context and Nuance of Values
Tapping into David’s Reference Guide

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