The July 2024 Full moon blew the First horn. The explosion of energy that ushers in Humanity’s Reset moment brings Consciousenss IT-self into full view!  Are you a bridge or an anchor? Are you a pillar or a torch and what is the diference.  This is the moment to KNOW If you are Conscisoulsy Aware or Consciously asleep.

As the world seemingly seems more polarized than ever…IT IS POSSIBLE to command the gift of Loving this potentiality INTO THE POSITIVE FUTURE. It can be done and it does require focus and expanded perceptions. Beyond fear, doubt and hesitancy, ALL solutions are provided and you are ready!

MLKR lovingly and with great detail shares how to holding the manifested vision of the alchemical weaving of the You into YOU! The moment of Understanding Your Divine Cosmic Legacy thorugh the Ignition of the Cosmic Unified Hu-man!

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