The Dov Barron Show – Dr. Adam Safron: A Unified Theory of Psychedelics

A Unified Theory of Psychedelics

Are you a “Huberman” Fan? Are You Curious about Psychedelics?

Well hold on to you hat this series of The Dov Baron Show is Going to Blow Your Mind!!!

Our guest for this series of 3 episodes is Dr. Adam Safron. He is a cognitive scientist and a research fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Center for Psychedelics and Consciousness Research.

Adam is developing a unified theory of psychedelics and exploring the intersection of psychedelics with psychiatry, psychology, and AI machine learning.

Dr. Safron is an expert in the neuroscience of emotions and body cognition. Computational models of consciousness and Agency, AKA: free will.

He is currently attempting to create a broad coalition for helping to provide a genuinely positive vision and goal for humanity that centers on using technology to enhance our capability for both compassion and empowerment through the development of increased advanced and human-like artificial intelligence systems with the ultimate hope of being to create consciousness.

He is doing all this to make us less fearful of artificial general intelligence.


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