Expanding Consciousness – Sacred Union: Partnership beyond Relationship


Where Consciousness Thrives!

A profound episdoe!  Many spend their lives feeling less than or needing another to satisfy and sense of lonliness or lack of wholeness.  This expierence is actually the distortion of love and the “separtion” caused by the “fall” of humanity.  The rarified sharing by MLKR is transcendant, wisdom filled and spot on!

In 30 minutes discover What is Sacred Union? Do I need to have another person in my life to have it?

What if Relationship seeks to keep you in-trapped in a world that is based upon Victim Conscsiouenss?

This continual loop is often self-imposed and sustasined through the fear of equanimity.  Imagine your life sustained by SUPPORTIVE AUTHENTIC PARTNERSHIP…beyond the in-ttrapment of fear!

Imagine how much more you can accomplish?

Consider the JOY that you are able to create when the freedom to BE is yours to command!

Take notes, start a conversation with friends and dive deep into this expansive sharing.

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