YOU ARE commanding consciousness all-ways! Your body is the temple and your consciousness the access to every mystical chamber waiting for you to remember & unlock. The key is learning how to remember & recognize this wisdom as eternal in-power-ment.  Within your experience of this life in form…is your Abundantly expansive Divine mastery Presence. Imagine the potential of your life when you activate this power into action as the gift of JOY!

With the gift of remembrance, you step into your Cosmic nature beyond the mind of form as  Power & Joy balance each other into Sacred Union Partnership.  The stability that invites us to BE the living Self-Ascended Presence.  The attainment of the Perennial Philosophies through the mastery of the Yoga of Self-Ascension.

Grab your favorite beverage and a few friends. This episode will stimulate a robust discussion that will expand your depth of awareness while inviting the eternal smile of KNOWING.  

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