
If Perception is reality in this world of form, then what happens when you become aware of what you were not aware of?  When you go beyond the perceptual filters and invite the expanded wisdom of your universal nature to command.

The moment when the inbreath of your divine nature exhales into this body of form.  Imagine your life far beyond the fields of the limitations of perception.

Free to REMEMBER your-self into Form…again.

What would you do?
How would you live your life KNOWING you are Conscious of your Consciousness?

MLKR shares the depth of her wisdom and invites you to journey into the fields of your conscious awareness.  A moment of deep introspection and new possibilities!

The July 2024 Full moon blew the First horn. The explosion of energy that ushers in Humanity’s Reset moment brings Consciousenss IT-self into full view!  Are you a bridge or an anchor? Are you a pillar or a torch and what is the diference.  This is the moment to KNOW If you are Conscisoulsy Aware or Consciously asleep.

As the world seemingly seems more polarized than ever…IT IS POSSIBLE to command the gift of Loving this potentiality INTO THE POSITIVE FUTURE. It can be done and it does require focus and expanded perceptions. Beyond fear, doubt and hesitancy, ALL solutions are provided and you are ready!

MLKR lovingly and with great detail shares how to holding the manifested vision of the alchemical weaving of the You into YOU! The moment of Understanding Your Divine Cosmic Legacy thorugh the Ignition of the Cosmic Unified Hu-man!

YOU ARE the Master in Form! Release the attachment to the rules that would tell you how to think and any-thing that would seek to stop you from receiving what YOU ALREADY KNOW! Thorughout ALL of the fields of creation YOU have discovered this podcast!

This IS the moment to understand Attachment!  From the moment we are born, the deep attachment to our bodies begins!  This primary attachment seeks to control our entire life experience. Understanding HOW this primary attachment weaves EVERY-THING is the gateway of True Freedom. KNOW why you are attached and why things are cycling!  How do you move through and thrive?  MLKR takes you on a journey into the Conscious Awareness of Attachment IT-self.  A revelatory episode filled with insights that invite YOU to call forward real solutions. 

YES…You are ready for Clarity! Imagine the Freedom and presence to create when Clarity is claimed beyond all fear, doubt and hesitancy!  Rising into the Confidence that sustains understanding, perception and  depth of awareness that IS possible. The Ability to see the answers and call forward the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation.

This intriquing episode invites you to go beyond the boundaries of the mind. To open to an avilalbility of Clarity that sets into motion the Essence of All that you are!  To LIVE a Conscious MAGICAL Life.

Revealing the Seven Stepping stones of clarity… you will feel ready to sustain clarity and call forward the life you have dreamed of…thorugh commanding your conscious clarity.

Your level of consciousness is your veil! So how do you lift it?  Expanding the self-inquiry of “what in me invited this to be?”, these five steps assist you to see and undesrtand more and more. Your brain is capable of “absorbing” your eternal nature. Beyond ALL the veils that seek to keep you from KNOWING. 

You deserve becuase you were born! This moment is a unique experience YOU are ready to COMMAND.  Free from the illusion of victim conscoiousness and creating through the Law of Instantaneous manfestation.

A fascinating journey of Ascended perspective.

Special Recording of a Live Broadcast! Activate the channels of your Eternal Sacred Union…Consciousness, fully Aware of IT-self.  Guided by MLKR from Merlins’ garden at TOSA Blue Mountain Sanctuary.  KNOW beyond doubt that your eternal conscious awareness is here to be explored beyond the realms of limitation.  Remember and ACCEPT that the unified field of consciousness is yours to connect with and harness into this body.  This episode includes a full body activation. You will be invited to stand for that portion if possible, otherwise sit with your back as straight as comfortable. A fascinating journey worthy of engaging more than

The stillness of the spin. This may seem like a paradox and is the key to illumination, To notice what you are noticing beyond the fields of judgement,  To arrive into the transcendeat awareness of What in ME…invited this to BE is the moment of freedom that lifts all the veils

MLKR shares an in-depth exploration as the affirmation of the alchemical shift sustaining compassionate wisdom. As you connect with this episode you may be challenged and you may be intriqued.

Why not open your mind…wider…and consider the possibilities!

What’s Behind the Scenes? What propels us to keep going? What is the essene of that which is calling YOU out…right now?  Time has become so fluid that the Life that has chosen YOU is HERE…NOW! Whether you are consciousy aware of of it or not, matters little…IT IS…HERE  and you are ready to be the commander.

Why do we do what we do is the inquiry that invokes a revelatory and insight-full sharing by MLKR. 

A moment that invites you to relax, listen and discover.  Understand how to transcend the mental body of the six o’clock as it LIFTS through the Spiritualized ego and restores IT-self into Conscious Awareness.

EVERY-Thing in your life experience has called you into this moment of convergence with it ALL!

You are ready to KNOW MORE…and IT IS…all-ready within…why not take a peek inside?


What in Me Invited this to BE?  Every-thing! Especially as you begin the Quantum alchemical expansion with Conscious awareness.  In the first part of the early 1st century Bc the ancient Rishis were already diving into the self-inquiry in search of the Meaning of life and the foundation of ALL things!

This birthed the Perennial philosophies that called forward the expansion of Conscious Awareness we hvae now arrive into!  Imagine harnessing ancient wisdom as the Conscious Alchemist of the Tria prima! can…and this episode is a dynamic and fascinting journey into the essence of Consciousenss IT-elf. I AM …as YOU ARE!

What is real? What is not? What is Ascension? How does it intersect with Consciousness? The word Ascension, & the multitudes of interpretations spiraling around it ARE calling you to wonder: In-bodied Consciousness is the ESSENCE of Ascension in form! YES..this is possible and IT IS…Self-Ascension that offers the “secret ingredient”. 

30 revelatory and stunning minutes with the one and only Master Lady Kira Raa!  Get comfy and take this in!