Toni Bergins discusses her book Embody: Feel, Heal, and Transform Your Life through Movement.

Shawn Nowotnik discusses his book F*ck Happiness: The Search for Meaning in a World Gone Mad Chasing Happiness

Researcher Dahryn Trivedi shares her peer-based research of proving the existence of God through fact-based science.

Dr. Ronald Goldman talks about his book The Empathy Evolution which stresses the importance of the mother-infant bond. RonaldGoldmanPhD.,com #empathy #childdevelopment #motherchildbond #RonaldGoldman #EmpathyEvolution #Violence #Racism #PoliticalCorruption #MentalIllness #Happines

Author, Lyle Greenfield talks about his new book Uniting the States of America which is a self-care plan for a wounded nation. #politics #elections #Lylegreenfield #author

Dr. Jeffrey Morris talks about his new book Just Live which was written for anyone who has struggled with severe depression or suicidal thoughts. #suicide #suicideprevention #jeffmorris

Perry and Braydon Sharboneau talk about their TV show Only In Iola which follows the Sharboneau family as they trade city life for country living.

Perrey Sharboneau talks about his reality tv show Only In Iola which follows the Sharboneau family as they trade city life for country living.  #onlyiniola #perrysharboneau #realitytv #ranchlivung

Corey Poirier’s latest book, The Enlightened Passenger, shares what top leaders would tell you if you had a moment of their time.

Dr Emilio Justo talks about his book The Power of Pause: Mastering Delayed Gratification for Success based on his top-rated TedX Talk.